Inventions are a fantastic way to inspire students to think differently and create things that they would not normally consider doing. They are also a wonderful way to challenge students and to get them thinking about how they can improve the world around them.
How to Invent
The first step in the invention process is to identify a problem or need that needs solving. This can be a personal problem that you have or it could be something that you see in your everyday life and are frustrated with. Once you have identified the problem that needs to be solved, your next step is to research the best solution for your problem.
Often the best solution for a problem is a better or more practical version of an existing product. You can find examples of this by researching the internet or looking in books.
Some of the most effective inventions have come from someone who has been able to take an idea that isn’t necessarily the best or the most innovative and improve upon it. For example, the inventor of the KwickScreen, a retractable screen that fits on itself and takes up very little space in hospitals, was inspired by rolled curtains and roller banners.
This type of ingenuity is often the most difficult to identify because it involves taking an existing item and improving it to make it better. This can be the most challenging part of inventing but it can be essential to making a truly useful invention.
To help you narrow down your list of invention ideas, brainstorm for a while and ask yourself what problems or concerns you have. For example, if you have children, they may be getting too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer. What could you invent that would make them more comfortable?
You can use this list of problems to find out what other people have done to solve the same problem and then try to do your own research. Often, this will give you the inspiration to start creating your own inventions!
Writing a Report
The inventing process can be very complicated and it is always helpful to have someone else look over your work. This can be a friend, a teacher or an invention consultant.
Once you have a good idea for a solution to your problem, write down the steps that you took in finding it. This will help you to remember the entire process and to keep track of your progress!
When you have found the perfect invention, the next step is to create a prototype. This will allow you to test the idea and determine whether or not it works as well as you thought it would. It will also help you determine if the design of the product is right for your audience and market.
During the prototyping stage, you can experiment with different materials, designs and colors to make sure that your invention is perfect before it’s brought to market. Once you’ve gotten all of the pieces together, your final product will be ready for production.